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Board: Fantasy Gathering
The Clearing
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You approach the vast clearing, Spotting a variety of beings of different species. This is the gathering area.

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1 of 182 ... *walks in slowly looking around*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*sets his bag aside and sits on a log, begins glancing around to see if there are any fallen sticks. Remembers that Nova is getting sick of his stew but then snickers* That ain't stopping me. *stands and begins picking up some sticks to start a fire with*

2 of 182 ... *enters in, grining*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

Well, well, my dear friend *chuckles* quite an interesting place you've found here.

3 of 182 ... *looks at Zephy and smirks*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

Yeah... *tosses her a stick* Help me will ya? *picks up another one* I wonder something...

4 of 182 ... *grins, catching the stick* sure!
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

*looks around for some more to put in the pile Gem started* you wonder what?

5 of 182 ... (Testing the ultimate HTML ability)
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

<font size=2><font color="#0000ff">
*looks at Zephy and begins walking to his bag, grabbing two stones. He managed to work on the stones so that they give lots of spark, starting a fire on the first try. Never leaves home without it* I wonder if Nova will eat the stew... I mean, he hasn't had it in a long time.. *laughs* What about you? You sick of it? *walks to the pile of sticks and begins tapping the rocks, shower of sparks spraying from it, aimed at the sticks*
<center><img src="" border="0" alt="Blue Green Gem's Dragon and Fantasy Page"></center>

6 of 182 ... (*blushes* Oh my...)
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

(I think it only allows italics and urls... *eeks at the big mess of HTML*)

7 of 182 ... *chuckles* no, I've not had it near as much as
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

DarkNova has, so I'll have some *smiles, joining you at the fire*

8 of 182 ... *smirks*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*begins setting a tripod up over the fire and looks around cursing* I forgot the pot...

9 of 182 ... *chuckles*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

Poor Gemmy.. Now what shall you do? *watches you searching*

10 of 182 ... Yer enjoying this, aren't you?
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*stares at you but then smirks* I wonder if I can turn you into a pot. *snickers*

*digs in his bag and pulls out his magickbook, the one that was given to him from Sorceress of Death* Ok...

pots of old,
metal of new,
Give me something
to use!

Hey.. what a rip off.. that incantation doesn't rhy-- *gets interrupted as a pot appears, hanging from the tripod over the fire* Er.. it worked, not complaining! *smirks*

11 of 182 ... *snickers*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

That was pretty cool.. *giggles* so... whats going into the pot now?

12 of 182 ... Carrots.. Corn...
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*thinks some more* green beans... macaroni... and the most important ingredient... Ham! *smiles and walks to a river nearby, getting a whole bucketful of water, stepping back to the pot, pouring it in* There.... that was quick, eh?

*sits down on the log and sighs, waiting for the water to boil* How you been, Zephy?

13 of 182 ... Hmm
From: merloch
Date: May 21 1999

::a soft shimmering in the woods is seen...then Merloch steps out, faded blue eyes gazing around, carrying an odd , thick, book::

14 of 182 ... *looks at Merloch*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

Hey there Merloch! *looks at the pot, distracted for a short minute, but looks back to Merloch noticing something in his hands* What's that?

15 of 182 ... ::smiles shyly::
From: merloch
Date: May 21 1999

::smiles shyly::
This?..Just a book, I'm writing...

::Glances at the book for a moment..::

16 of 182 ... Ah.. I see...
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*smiles as he stands and walks to the boiling pot, begins pouring some contents into the soup* How you been lately?

17 of 182 ... Merloch! *smiles*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

Tis good to see you again.. *gets up to walk over and hug him* I've missed you, hun!

18 of 182 ... ::frowns slightly::
From: merloch
Date: May 21 1999

::looks at Zephyr abit oddly, then at Gem..eyes flickering::

::looks at Zephyr again with a smile, seemingly have decided something inwardly::
Yeah, missed you too Zeppy.

::whispers softly, in thought:: Shadows.....

19 of 182 ... *echos Merloch's frown with her own*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

What do you mean.. Shadows? *tilts her head curiously, looking at Merloch*

20 of 182 ... *drops a huge hambone into the pot*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*smiles* Makes a nice broth... *continues stirring*

21 of 182 ... Eh?..
From: merloch
Date: May 21 1999

Oh...nothing. Trying to sort some memories, is all..

::smiles sheepishly and looks around::

22 of 182 ... *glances around*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*walks to his bag and pulls out a wet paper bag, sets it on the ground and unwraps it, carrots and greenbeans are inside it* Zephy.. can you chop these for me?

*stands walking to the pot, opening a plastic bag, pouring the macaroni in it*

23 of 182 ... ::watches::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 21 1999

::hidden from the group, watching closely::

24 of 182 ... ::ears twitch and walks up to Gem::
From: merloch
Date: May 21 1999

::softly:: Gem...?

25 of 182 ... *furrows her brows thoughtfully, watching Merloch*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

Hmm... *turns to Gem and nods* sure, I'll do it *takes out a regular steel dagger, walking over to the bag of vegetables, picking up a carrot and starts cutting it into the stew pot*

26 of 182 ... *turns to Merloch*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*staring at him quietly* Yeah? What's wrong?...

27 of 182 ... ::looks around, then whispers::
From: merloch
Date: May 21 1999

Did he bring her back..?

28 of 182 ... *blinks*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*whispers* Did who bring who back?

29 of 182 ... *ears twitch slightly, catching all the whispering, but continues
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

to cut up the vegetables, not commenting*

30 of 182 ... ::sneezes::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 21 1999

::whispers to himself underbreath:: damn pollen. gotsa run before ah gets caught! ::begins crawling away::

31 of 182 ... ::pensively::
From: merloch
Date: May 21 1999

::quietly:: Jauxzer..did he bring Camellia back..?

32 of 182 ... *looks quickly in the direction of the sneeze,
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

eyes searching for movement, wondering who would else is around*

33 of 182 ... ::ears twitch, hearing the words clearly, as if prepared::
From: merloch
Date: May 21 1999

Jauxzer?! ::eyes snap around to where Jauxzer was::

34 of 182 ... Ah guess ah be caught...
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 21 1999

::stands, straightening his robe with a nod:: How be you, Merloch?

35 of 182 ... Who's Camellia?
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*looks back to the pot and continues stirring* I don't know.. I didn't listen to your conversation with Jauxzer that day.. *looks to the sneeze*

36 of 182 ... ::holds up his book::
From: merloch
Date: May 21 1999

Good..Working on projects... Have you brought them back..?

37 of 182 ... ::grins::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 21 1999

::shakes head:: Not yet, ah be waiting for ya to be here when they are brought back.

38 of 182 ... *finishes with the vegetables, wipes the blade of her dagger off
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

with the end of her shirt and places it back where it came from. Then looks at Merloch, Gem, and Jauxer, she is obviously confused*

39 of 182 ... *smirks at Zephy*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

Don't be looking at me like that.. I'm confused too... *takes the vegetables Thanks.. *pours them into the pot, a nice smell coming from the broth*

40 of 182 ... ::ponders::
From: merloch
Date: May 21 1999

How about now..? Seem's as good a place as any?

41 of 182 ... eh.. *shrugs* you're welcome.
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

Gem.. who's the guy talking to Merloch?

42 of 182 ... Ah.. no.
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 21 1999

::blushes:: Ah believe we need to go to an enclosed area... they will be ::blushes furiously:: naked, when ah bring them to this lifetime..

43 of 182 ... *continues stirring*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*whispering to Zephy* That's Jauxzer... Can you believe that's Draegon's brother? He's so.. small... *smirks and looks back to the pot, still stirring*

44 of 182 ... ::raises a brow:: Indeed...
From: merloch
Date: May 21 1999

Indubitably a problem..Follow me?

45 of 182 ... Brother? *blinks, looking at Gem*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

Draegon has a brother?!? *gives you a look of complete disbelief*

46 of 182 ... *snickers at Zephy*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*whispers* yes... *continues stirring*

47 of 182 ... ::Glares at the woman::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 21 1999

::growls:: Ya, Draegon be mah big bro, what's it to ya?

::looks at Merloch and nods:: following.

48 of 182 ... ::cringes::
From: merloch
Date: May 21 1999

::winces at the remarks flying, then vanishes in a shimmer of silver light::

49 of 182 ... *smirks at Jauxzer, and shrugs, turning back to Gem*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

is.. is he anything like Draegon? *wispers so that only Gem hears*

50 of 182 ... ::walks out::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 21 1999

::shoots one last distasteful comment at the woman and is gone::

51 of 182 ... *whispers to Zephy*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

Nah.. I highly doubt it. He hasn't shown any powers or anything.. It's like they are totally opposite!

52 of 182 ... *glances sharply where Jauxzer last was and turns back to Gem*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

Oh.. I don't know.. he sure is rude. *smirks*

53 of 182 ... *talks in normal tone*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

But you know what's so weird? Merloch has taken a liking to him... I mean, they both left to do something. I mean, usually.. I would sneak over and watch but I would get caught. I think Jauxzer is a mage, He was casting some spells when I was watching them with Corbin. *continues stirring*

54 of 182 ... *moves closer to Gem, looking down into the stew*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

Hmm.. odd.. Why would.. oh, nevermind.. guess Draegon would trust Jauxer with his son, seeing as they are family and all. *sighs softly, thinking*

55 of 182 ... No.. Jauxzer wasn't watching Corbin...
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

Draegon handed Corbin to me so that I could watch over him, we were sleeping when we heard noises. Me and Corbin saw Merloch and Jauxzer. Apparently Merloch wanted something from Jauxzer or something, I didn't want to get into their business.. But Jauxzer seems to love Corbin.. Corbin calls him uncle and they seemed to like each other.. *smiles* No complaints here.. just confusion. I guess family comes first there.. *continues stirring* A couple more minutes and the stew should be done...

56 of 182 ... heh.. I don't know.. I wouldn't know..
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

I've never been there.. where they live.

57 of 182 ... I only been there once...
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

Draegon was using my body at the time and when he left back into his own body, I was at his kingdom... It was weird.. crowdy.

damn.. got two bowls on ya?

58 of 182 ... No.. sorry, I don't have any bowls..
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

What do you mean "crowdy?"

59 of 182 ... *bursts out laughing*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*tries to calm, walking to his bag searching, pulling out two bowls and hands one to Zephy* Let's just say, everywhere you looked made a man rise... *snickers harshly as he begins getting himself some stew, Hands the spoon to Zephy* That's what I mean by "crowdy"... in a man's pants. *sits down, still attempting to calm his laughing*

60 of 182 ... *takes the bowl listening, trying very hard not to laugh, but fails
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

and bursts out laughing, taking the spoon to fill her bowl, hoping she doesn't spill too much of it*

61 of 182 ... *lets out a curse after spilling the hot liquid on my hand,
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

quickly taking the bowl into my other hand and sucks at the injured spot* Damn!.. *mutters softly, still chuckling* Soo.. Draegon has his court full, eh? *snickers*

62 of 182 ... *lets out a loud sigh, letting out any laughing urges*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

*snickers quietly* daanng... *pulls out a spoon and begins eating* That was hilarious!

63 of 182 ... *nods vigorously*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

That he does! You are lucky you ain't one of those women that breeds for him... sheesh... Corbin was a result of one of the breedings.

64 of 182 ... Thats all the women are there for?
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

To breed children? *shudders* how horrid.. *sits down on a log, digging around in one of her pouches to pull out a spoon*

65 of 182 ... That's what I saw...
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

But they were like moths to a flame, they kept huddled over Draegon, always wanting to touch him and.. satisfy him.. *shrugs softly as he continues eating* The women seem to enjoy it.

66 of 182 ... *wrinkles her nose*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

How... ugh.. shameless.. suppose they would just do anything he said to do as well.. *shakes her head slightly, sighing as she begins to eat*

67 of 182 ... Makes me wonder...
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

If they are brainwashed or something... *continues eating thoughtfully* I mean, There is no way in there or out. and his magick, or whatever he has is so foreign, I don't think you can bypass him or something..

68 of 182 ... the gods forbid I ever get taken there..
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

*shudders again* I'd hate it with a passion... A closed realm.. He is powerfull in his own right.. even I know better than to face him. Course he's too busy messing with the Ramseys to notice anyone else. Which is good for the rest of us, but bad for them.. *sighs softly*

69 of 182 ... *looks at Zephy*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

I think Jorael is ok with it. He knows that Draegon won't kill them... and Draegon has not been responsible for any deaths of the Ramsays this far... He's been multiplying the Ramsays, that's for sure... If Khaos didn't split us, I wouldn't be here today. I'd have Draegon contained.. *sighs and continues eating*

70 of 182 ... *frowns and shrugs, almost through with her stew*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

Still.. he's such a bully with them, always forcing himself on them and all. And there's no way to stop it from happening... Wish they'd try and stand up to him for once.. Maybe it'd get them killed.. but at least they wouldn't have to suffer him anymore.

71 of 182 ... You know...
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

I think Jorael noticed something I haven't... He probably needs Draegon as a powerful ally. That castle that they have.. The Ramsay Castle, I think it was being attacked by something... I heard about that, That's why I didn't stop by.

72 of 182 ... Draegon as an ally?.. *chews on her lip in thought*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 21 1999

dangerous that is.. but I guess you have to do what you have to do, in order to save what you love the most.

73 of 182 ... *nods*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 21 1999

He's done nothing but conquer large kingdoms that were ruled by powerful rulers.. And he integrates them into his own kingdom. and bloodline as well... He gets more powerful everytime a large kingdom falls... It's weird. He has not ONE ally...

74 of 182 ... *frowns*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999

If he infuses them into his bloodline how does he keep inbreeding from happening? Has Draegon ever thought of how things would continue after he was dead and gone?

(yeah, yeah, yeah.. Valheru talking about inbreeding.. *snickers*)

75 of 182 ... I don't think all his kids inherit all of them...
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999

It's like Corbin, Remember he had some boost... I think the Ramsays are all into the mind thing. Telepathy and so on... Draegon must've given some boost to Corbin... so that when he imagines something, It actually takes form and shape. I don't know... I feel so brain-dead about this. *finishes his bowl and sets it on the ground thinking* But his kingdom all have different bloodlines, each of his child has certain bloodlines that boosts each other... Another bloodline with abilities just supporting the other. It's real interesting...

76 of 182 ... Still.. *places her bowl on the ground as well*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999

the way I figure.. the children are more like prized pets.. the way he breeds for only the best and such. What would Draegon do if he ever had a kid who wasn't magically inclined.. who was mundane as most humans are?

77 of 182 ... This may shock you...
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999

Truth is, he controls the babes... He can make them male or female and what bloodlines they will have before they are even forming in a mother's stomach. He's even sped pregnancies... I mean, Jarred suddenly got pregnant faster than I could snap my fingers!

78 of 182 ... *looks up at Gem*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999

Now thats just... geezz... *shakes her head at the possibilities*

79 of 182 ... I don't even think Draegon has a normal babe...
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999

In human standards that is... It would be neat to find out if a babe came out and has nothing powerful, and how Draegon would react to that.

80 of 182 ... Do you think..
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999

*voice lowers to a whisper* That Draegon would kill the child if it wasn't what he expected of it?

81 of 182 ... *whispers*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999

I don't know, as far as I can think.. He's protective of every child he's ever had...

82 of 182 ... yeah.. but none of them were imperfect to his desires either.
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999

heh.. I wonder sometimes..*shrugs* I'm glad I never caught his intrest.

83 of 182 ... I think the only way you can catch his interest right now...
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999

Is if you had any relations or ... I don't know, involved with them somehow... I was a good friend of Cordell and I was used, by Draegon... I think he was interested in Gramma for a bit because she was holding a ramsay baby in her.. Remember?

84 of 182 ... *nods* I do remember.. But I myself.. I was a friend of Cordell,
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999

and of Jarred... but still managed to keep away from Draegon's notice. Guess I was lucky in that. I'm surpised that Draegon hasn't done anything with Jerihan.

85 of 182 ... I think Jerihan is too young..
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999

*looks at Zephy* He may go after Jerihan when he gets older and if the other ramsays have gone useless... I don't think he likes the fact that Cordell and Jarred have died..

86 of 182 ... ::a cloaked figure rides up upon a black horse::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999

::the figure approaches, looking around. He does not dismount, and his green eyes peirce through the scene before him::

87 of 182 ... Heh.. yeah, he doesn't like the fact he can't
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999

mess with their minds anymore.. *smirks slightly*

88 of 182 ... *looks at the figure*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999

Hello... May I help you?

89 of 182 ... ::his eyes dart over Gem, examining him::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999

::his voice, weary with travel::
I seek Gem Bluestone.

90 of 182 ... *looks at Zephy quietly*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999

*thinking that something good is not going to come out of this* Well.. What do you want him for?

91 of 182 ... ::he gazes speculatively::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999

I am to give him a message.

92 of 182 ... Ok well...
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999

Then the person you are looking for, is me...

93 of 182 ... *quietly looks at Gem, then at the figure, curious*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999

*decides that she will remain silent for now*

94 of 182 ... ::he nods::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999

You are requested presence at Castle Krepta, then, Sir Bluestone. Along with your female companion. ::he smiles abit::

95 of 182 ... *looks at Zephy and stands slowly*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999

Ok... *never having heard of Castle Krepta*

*whispers to Zephy* Pretend yer like my wife or something so that I don't get killed or something. *smirks softly*

*looks at the figure, voice in normal tone* We don't have anything to ride on, We'll have to walk.

96 of 182 ... ::he lifts a brow::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999

Walk?..::his eyes dialate and nods to himself:: You know the place, as Castle Ramsay.

97 of 182 ... Oh...
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999

*nods* Rings a bell.. Merloch must've renamed it when it became his.. *walks to his bag and picks it up, noticing his eyes* Well, If you had brought something for us to ride on, we wouldn't have to walk, would we? *smiles sweetly*

98 of 182 ... *blinks, looking back at Gem*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999

*wonders what is Castle Krepta, and who is requesting us there*

99 of 182 ... *stands quitely, shrugging* Oh.. thats right.. *sighs softly*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999

*looks at Gem* I don't know how to get there, I've never been..

100 of 182 ... *stares at Zephy*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999

*makes a slight shrug, totally clueless*

101 of 182 ... ::he dismounts hsi black steed, which walks into a shadow::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999

::The steed comes out, with two other black horses and then the figure mounts again:: Better?

102 of 182 ... *walks to a black horse and pats his side*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999

Fine horses they are... *climbs on one and looks at Zephy* coming?

103 of 182 ... Much, thank you.. *nods to the figure*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999

*walks to one of the horses and places her hand upon its muzzle, lightly stroking it, then mounts onto its back* Lead the way..

104 of 182 ... :he leads you out, through a winding path,::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999

::After a seemingly endless ride, yet was only a few minutes, you end up at the gates to Castle Krepta::

105 of 182 ... lost
From: FaerieTale
Date: May 22 1999

*having become lost and disoriented within the strange forest, she wanders aimlessly...the only thing keeping her sane is the solace she gathers from the company of her GhostHounds, Sicarius never far from his mistress's side. She pushes through some thick foliage to suddenly be standing on the edge of a vast clearing......*

106 of 182 ... *looks at the noise*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 23 1999

*quickly looking at whoever it was that stumbled in* Uh.. Hello?... *noticed his stew is still over the fire* Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?

107 of 182 ... Hungry!
From: FaerieTale
Date: May 24 1999

*she looks curiously at the one who spoke to her, than closes her eyes and breathes deeply the smell of the stew...she nods, and approaches cautiously, smyling shyly....she sits before the fire, extending her hands to warm her small fingers*

Pardon me, but perhaps you can explain this place to me? I'm usually quite at home amongst the tress....*she chuckles*......but this place confuses me......*she suddenly remembers her manners, and extends a small hand*.....forgive my are very kind to share your food with a stranger.....I am...Fae....*she smyles*

108 of 182 ... *motions to a sign*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 24 1999

*but stops abruptly as he finds it covered by the branches and leaves* Oh, well... this place is called Fantasy Gathering. *smiles as he extends his hand, shaking Fae's hand* Hello Fae, I'm Gem.

*quickly turns to his bag and opens it, pulling out a bowl with a spoon, looks at Fae and blushes* I gotta store the needs somewhere... *walks to the pot and begins scooping the stew into the bowl. makes a quick glance to the sides wondering where Zephy is, but turns to Fae, handing her the bowl*

I hope you will like this... Nova's gotten sick of it since it's all I make really. It's all I can afford right now, the usual ingredients. *noticed he is rambling*

*smirks softly and sits upon the log, falling back into his thinking daze* May I ask where you are from?

109 of 182 ... a new friend
From: FaerieTale
Date: May 25 1999

*grins as her hand is shaken*
'Tis a pleasure to meet you, Gem.....*willingly takes the bowl, and tastes gingerly of the stew, then eating with more vigor, speaking as she eats*.....I know not this people of whom you speak......are they as friendly as you? I shall look forward to meeting them, if they home-land is called Shai-doah, and it is a land of many faces....tho' I've not seen it for many, many years.....*she sighs softly, and her eyes glaze as she is lost in memories momentarily*.....I've been travelling for longer than I can remember, and a wandering traveller led me down this path.....*she grins*

110 of 182 ... *nods*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 25 1999

Yes, they are friendly as me... *smiles* If they are rude to you, I will give them a personal butt-kicking just for you. *laughs softly* I remember what it was like travelling, I pretty much am trying to settle.

111 of 182 ... ~walks in curious~
From: LadyElisa
Date: May 25 1999

~shakes her head as she resets the Ways~ That boy must stop moving this crossroads. I wonder if he even realises what he did. ~sits down by a large oak and waits~

112 of 182 ... entrance
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

*a young woman, about 19 in appearance, walks through the foilage, her golden blonde hair pulled up loosely with several strands curling up about her face, and her brown eyes looking weary. Her clothes, a sleeveless green tunic and blac leggings, are a bit tattered and her barefeet have scratches all over them. She makes her way over to the Ivory tree and sits beside it, looking lost in thought or more like she's asleep.*

113 of 182 ... *rambling*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

*The young woman doesn't open her eyes but starts to say something* Azra, Azra, where are you? This isn't like you to not challenge me. Where are you?

114 of 182 ... ~noting Victorea's entrance, solidifies her presence in the clearing~
From: LadyElisa
Date: May 25 1999

~She takes the form of a young woman, appearing perhaps 25 at the most, her medium brown skin and dark brown eyes accented by the deep blue split-panel riding dress she wears. Her raven hair curls in gentle waves, held back from her face by twin gold dragon barrettes. The mithril dragon hangs on it's golden chain, the golden mesh choker at her throat, it's fire opal gleaming with inner life. On her right hand she wears a simple silver cladaugh, crown up~

115 of 182 ... ~a midnight-hued jaguar oozes out of the surrounding forest, looking rather pleased with itself~
From: LadyElisa
Date: May 25 1999

~he wraps himself around Elisa's legs, a rumbling purr as he butts her knees with his head~

116 of 182 ... *senses a new presence, and
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

jumps up, ready to attack until she sees it's Elisa. She visibly relaxes.* Hello, Elisa. How are you?

117 of 182 ... ~nods to Victorea as she sits down again~
From: LadyElisa
Date: May 25 1999

Tired, but it's a good tired. And you?

118 of 182 ... *closes her eyes momentarily*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

Where are you? *opens them again.* This is rather disturbing.

119 of 182 ... *quickly coming out of it*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

Disturbed. I haven't seen nor heard of Azra since our last fight here in the clearing. I just know she's causing mischief somewhere, it's just a matter of finding her and stopping her.

120 of 182 ... *notices the jaguar then
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

sits back down by the tree*

121 of 182 ... ~frowns at Victorea saying "here" then decides she must not have noticed the shift~
From: LadyElisa
Date: May 25 1999

~the jaguar lays down at Elisa's side, his tail twiching lazily. He butts her hand with his head gently~

Oh honestly! ~stracthes him behind the ears~

122 of 182 ... Yes, I noticed a slight shift
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

but it's still essentially the same place. *sighs* I wish Nova and Zeph were here. Maybe they could help me find her. I don't want to involve them but it doesn't look like it's possible. *almost to herself* How did she know about Nova, though? That baffles me!

123 of 182 ... Naturally, but it meant I have to readjust the Ways.
From: LadyElisa
Date: May 25 1999

~shakes her head slightly~ She may be able to find out any number of things that you know. As far as the rest of the Valley knows, she is you. Who knows what plans she might have?

124 of 182 ... *sighs* No one.
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

She's completely disappeared, or so it seems. Greg's family and my family have been breathing down our necks as to her whereabouts.

125 of 182 ... As if you would know where she is.
From: LadyElisa
Date: May 25 1999

I'm sure she'll turn up sooner or later . . . .

~the jaguar nuzzles Elisa's leg and Elisa scratches his ears~

126 of 182 ... They think that Greg and I have
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

stashed her away somewhere as so to protect the children and get her out of the way. I don't know anymore. It's disturbing and frustrating at the same time. I wish I could figure it out.

127 of 182 ... ~the jaguar pads over to Victorea and nudges her gently~
From: LadyElisa
Date: May 25 1999

She'll show up when you least expct it, I'm sure. As for your families, perhaps an arrangemnt could be made so they can see that the children are safe and that you don't have Azra.

128 of 182 ... *absently pets the jaguar*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

No, they want to see the children dead. That's why everything was set up the way it was. I don't want them anywhere near the children. They might just try something.

129 of 182 ... Who said they would be near the children?
From: LadyElisa
Date: May 25 1999

Give me more credit than that. If the Elementals decide to crack down hard enough, no one can do anything without them giving their permission. ~wicked little grin~

130 of 182 ... *chuckles slightly*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

That's true. However, I have no proof that I don't have Azra. They're more concerned about Azra than they are Azuran and Callista.

131 of 182 ... That's true...
From: LadyElisa
Date: May 25 1999

As Ari was telling me, it's hard to believe how much they dislike their own grandchildren.

132 of 182 ... *sighs* Nontheless,
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

they do. But Greg has plenty of nieces and nephews. I don't have any nor will I have any. *grins wryly* I've made sure of that.

133 of 182 ... I guess it depends on how you want to look at it dear.
From: LadyElisa
Date: May 25 1999

I can think of a rather large extended family that's just waiting for you. ~grins warmly as the jaguar nuzzles Victorea~ Care to guess who he is? ~she nods to the jaguar~

134 of 182 ... *chuckles*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

Um, Thannus?

135 of 182 ... *her eyes dilate and go out of focus
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

and she nearly passes out but doesn't* Too bad Nova isn't here. I wish to express . . . my graditude to him for being such a friend.

136 of 182 ... No, not Thannus
From: LadyElisa
Date: May 25 1999

~Frowns, concerned~ I'm sure Nova is aware of your feelings.

137 of 182 ... ~her eyes cloud briefly~
From: LadyElisa
Date: May 25 1999

We have to go. Don't stay here too long Victorea, not alone anyway. There's something not quite right in the air.

~she and the jaguar vanish in a flash of silver~

138 of 182 ... *looks at where Elisa was, rather curiously*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

Hmmm? What do you mean? I know Nova knows how I feel. Something not right? Hmmm. I wonder what that means.

139 of 182 ... *walks in quietly, from the forest, looking slightly lost*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 25 1999

*looks up from her musings and smiles* Oh, hello Victorea

140 of 182 ... *looks over at her and smiles*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

Hello, Zeph. How have you been?

141 of 182 ... I've been.. tired.. *chuckles softly*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 25 1999

Rearranging my tower's interior after the Del Rith event. Put up new security measures and all. How've you been? *walks over to her*

142 of 182 ... Not so good, I'm afraid.
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

Azra's completely vanished and my family and Greg's family are breathing down our necks as to her whereabouts. I haven't seen nor heard of her since our last fight over the lake. It's rather disturbing. I wish Nova were here.

143 of 182 ... *smiles sadly*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 25 1999

You aren't the only one that wishes he were here, luv. *sits down beside her* This stuff with Azra though.. Why is your family and Greg's so worried about her? You'd think they actually want her around or something.

144 of 182 ... They do want her around.
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

They're the ones who set up this entire thing with me fighting Azra wherever she wants, whenever she wants. *sighs*

145 of 182 ... *frowns*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 25 1999

What do they seek to gain from this? Surely they see that things would be hell if Azra managed to destroy you.

146 of 182 ... Being rid of me, my husband and my children.
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

What else is there?

147 of 182 ... *shakes her head*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 25 1999

And what then? Azra will surely rule them all, and in ways they could only have nightmares of.

148 of 182 ... I don't know.
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

I don't understand it myself. *her eyes dilate and then re-focus* Why can't everyone understand me? All I want is someone who will! Like Nova!

149 of 182 ... *blinks at Victorea*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 25 1999

Ah.. okay.. *obviously trying to take that in the best way, and not in the way she is thinking* I miss him too.. he's always so sweet, and understanding in ways that others do not. *smiles softly*

150 of 182 ... *looks at Zeph curiously*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

What's wrong?

151 of 182 ... *glances at Victorea and shrugs*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 25 1999

Nothing, just.. missing Nova.. *sighs softly*

152 of 182 ... *looks at her doubtfully*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

Then why were you . . .? *her voice trails off and is clearly confused*

153 of 182 ... *tilts her head*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 25 1999

Why was I what, hun?

154 of 182 ... You looked as if I had something
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

and were trying to take it in the best way possible. Why?

155 of 182 ... Um.. because, well, I don't think it really meant anything.
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 25 1999

But you had said something like, you wondered why no one would understand you. That you wanted someone who will, like Nova.

156 of 182 ... *totally confused*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

I didn't say that.

157 of 182 ... *furrows her brows*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 25 1999

But.. you did, M'lady.. Just a few moments ago..

158 of 182 ... M'Lady, why would I say that?
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

I'm married to Greg and we're both happy. Greg is my match for life.

159 of 182 ... *shrugs, thinking*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 25 1999

Thats why I said it probably didn't mean anything.. Nova and you are good friends.

160 of 182 ... But. . . *stops*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

You're right. Nova and I are good friends. I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize it.

161 of 182 ... *nods* I know you wouldn't
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 25 1999

*smiles softly* I trust you and Greg, Victorea. I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone.

162 of 182 ... *still looking confused, she smiles faintly*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 25 1999

Thank you, Zeph. You don't know how much that means to us, both of us. I'll see if I can try to arrange for you to see the kids. Jenn will have something to say about it, though, I'm sure of it.

163 of 182 ... *smiles*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 25 1999

It would be nice to see them again, its been so long.. I'm sure they have both grown quite a bit.

164 of 182 ... *smiles*
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 26 1999

That they are, though not as fast as they would in the Valley. *tilts her head to one side* I must be going now, Zeph. It was good to see you again. *She gets up and starts to walk away, vanishing in a blast of silver-gold light*

165 of 182 ... *smiles* Good eve, M'lady
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 26 1999

*stands up, and walks back the way she entered*

166 of 182 ... *walks in*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 26 1999

*glances around, noticing his stew is still out. walks to it, the fire dead, just a black blotch in the ground. his stew dried and grungy* Aw man... I ain't gonna clean that thing now...

*looks around at all the quietness*

167 of 182 ... *laughing*
From: FaerieTale
Date: May 26 1999

*laughs in delight at his butt-kicking comment, and quietens down as she observes the comings and goings...speaks softly, almost to herself*

Hmmmmm, didn't really think I was that invisable..........*grins softly, then realises Gem left at some stage during the recent events...looks around and shrugs, curling up near a tree to catch up on some sleep, her GhostHounds curled protectively around her, offering her their warmth*

168 of 182 ... *There's a small glow of silver-gold
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 26 1999

light and Victorea appears, clad in a black lace up vest and black leggings, the scratches on her feet almost healed and her hair curling up and down. She sees the small form sleeping by the trees and conjures up some blankets. She walks over and covers the person up, hounds and all. Moving away, she conjures up a basket covered with a white cloth. Inside the basket is a variety of cheeses, fruits, cured meats, and breads plus some drink. She sets it close to the person and leaves a note for her saying the food is for her and welcoming her to the clearing. Finally, she looks around and sees no one else and then quickly leaves.*

169 of 182 ... War in the Realm of Night
From: DarkNova11
Date: May 27 1999

'The entire clearing goes black, as phantom figures appear. A vision of another place, at another time can be seen.
A monstrous army of humans, elves, and dwarves covers a vast valley. Countless cooking fires can be scene. As the two moons set, an almost impenetrable veil of blackness spreads over the valley. Screams can be heard, as dark shapes dart from the sky, silver blades cutting deeply into flesh. The army is instantly awake, as a horde of vampires, werebeasts and other creatures of the night, come sweeping into the encampement. A blue can be scene from the rear as Nova and his knights, charge into the enemy lines, cutting a bloody path of death and carnage through the enemy ranks, Shaitan at his side leaving corpses, twisted and mangled in his wake.
From the center of the encampment a white figure appears. Raising its hand it sends a beam of whiteness into the air. Light springs into being, Nova's forces fall back under heavy counter attack. Seeing a fallen knight he picks him up and throws him over his shoulder. Stumbling as a crossbow bolt hits him in the leg, going clean through his armour and out the other side.
Turning he sets the knight down as a group of elves charge him. He raises his sword into the air grasping it with both hands, before plunging it tip first into the ground. Blue fire leaps towards the elves spraying dirt and boulders, it hits the group blowing some apart and flash freezing others. Turning back he picks up the knight as Shaitan comes to his side. Putting his arm around Nova he transports them to safety.
The vision fades away.'

170 of 182 ... *softly* Fae?
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 27 1999

(I thought I had posted a message saying that I had to quickly leave.. guess not.)

*softly again, wondering if Fae is listening* Fae? *is a bit worried about the hounds that are around Fae, but keeps his distance, deciding he shouldn't disturb her sleep any further...*

171 of 182 ... Awakening
From: FaerieTale
Date: May 29 1999

*wakes instantly as the first screams slice the air...wonders briefly at the blankets, then shrinks in fear at finding herself suddenly in the midst of a great battle.....her Hounds are awake before her, forming a protective circle around her, a low whine of confusion coming from Sicarius....within a heartbeat, she realizes this is a vision...a replaying of an event that has already occurred, and she watches in fascination until the scene fades......she sees Gem keeping a safe distance and smyles as she stretches and yawns*

'Tis okay, my Hounds wont hurt you.....*as if to reassure him, Sicarius trots over to Gem and sniffs curiously at his hand, before giving him a gentle lick and returning to sit on his haunches by his mistress*.....I'm sorry, I was awfully tired......did you leave me these blankets? And this basket? *she looks at him inquiringly*

172 of 182 ... *Victorea appears on a silver-gold cloud,
From: Lady_Victorea
Date: May 29 1999

her hair in a topknot and curling, the curls framing her face, and looking radiant for some reason. She's clad in a tight, black lace up vest and black leggings that lace up on the sides. She lands quietly and softly and looks over at the female.* I see that you're awake now. How are you feeling?

(oooh, here's hoping you're still on.)

173 of 182 ... *she can't help but smyle at the beautiful woman*
From: FaerieTale
Date: May 31 1999

*she can't help but smyle at the beautiful woman*

I am feeling much better, now that I have caught up on some shut-eye......I must admit my curiosity is getting the better of me, I am keen to explore this place more thoroughly.......

174 of 182 ... Dark vs. Light
From: DarkNova11
Date: Jun 1 1999

'Another vision forms, Nova and someone dressed entirely in white face off ontop of a mountain cliff, they look like mirror images of each other. There lips can be seen moving as they argue over something, shaking his head Nova turns his back on the other man. The stranger lifts his hand and whiteness leaps from him and at Nova. turning he raises both of his hands and blackness shoots out hiting the white, sending vibrations of power throughout all the realms. The vision fades as the two stand toe to toe.'

175 of 182 ... *blinks*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: Jun 1 1999


176 of 182 ... *glances around*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: Jun 4 1999

*begins standing, stretching* Well...

177 of 182 ... The First Step of A Newcomer to the Clearing
From: Athena_Love
Date: Jul 22 1999

Allyna Silverstone left the Forest and stood, facing a clearing, her eyes searching for any kind o light in the darkness. Xysoran approached her from behind, as well as Rane Blackthorne, and he lighted a torch. Allyna looked around, still lost in that new environment, and asked.
"Who is there. I am Allyna Silverstone and these are my companions. I seek your help."
*Whoever you are.* She thought.

178 of 182 ... *looks to the voice and the few newcomers*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: Aug 4 1999

I'm Gem, Gem Bluestone.... And you? *watches curiously*

179 of 182 ... Khisanth Arrives
From: Khisanth_of_Krynn
Date: Aug 29 1999

Khisanth appears at the edge of the clearing. She is confused... Wasn't I just in Krynn? How did I get here? Suddenly she hears voices, but she can't see who they originate from. Her dragon form instantly prepares herself for any danger, "Who's there? Where am I?"

180 of 182 ... Onyx Arrives
From: Evil_Onyx
Date: Sep 22 1999

Onyx shuddered as whatever teleportation spell that had brought her here wore off. She blinked, looking about her. She was in a strange clearing somewhere, which confused her. Last she knew, she had been teasing Khisanth over her lastest blooper. Quickly, she spotted Khisanth a little ways away from her, looking about. Voices made both Onyx and Khisanth paused, then spoke up.
"Who's there? Where am I?"
Onyx sidled over to Khisanth, and Khisanth momentarily jumped before recognizing who had arrived.
"Where are we?" Onyx asked. Khisanth shook her head.
"I have no idea."
The sounds of footsteps approaching from behind caused the two long-time friends to whirl around to face whatever came...

181 of 182 ... *walks in*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: Oct 22 1999

*looks around at the quiet clearing and begins picking up stick, where he slowly begins to carve the tips to make them pointed*

182 of 182 ... *after having made them pointed*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: Oct 31 1999

*he sets them against a tree, having about 4 or 5 of them already* It should work, I believe... *taps his chin, staring at the sticks*

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