There are several ways that you may have
come to this page. Through the FG members area, the front page of the clubs
page, or through a search engine. So I'm going to lay it all out for you.
Fantasy Gathering is a thriving community of roleplayers. We have so many
clubs and so many locations that the imagination never ends. We've opened a lot
of clubs in Yahoo that they have decided to give Fantasy Gathering it's own
category. You can find the category at this url.
There are members who have signed up for a free homepage from Fantasy Gathering. If you don't have one yet, Don't panic! Click the url to sign up. You also get free e-mail when you sign up for your free homepage.
Lately, A lot of people create a club to go with their homepage, And now we can provide to you a category that could go with your homepage. We want members to feel that they belong here and have a place to go and enjoy themselves. To get a general idea of what clubs have been created, Go to the main page or click here. There is a listing there of clubs that founders have submitted with more information.
Have you created a club in that category? Great! You can add your club to the listing by heading to the OOC Oubliette. There, you can tell Gem (Blue_Green_Gem) what he needs to know in order to add you.
Club Title:
Club Founder(s):
Description of club:
****NOTE: We will only add your club to the listing if it is in the Fantasy Gathering category. We're trying to promote clubs only in that category.
If you can't think of how to describe your club, Head to the main page and read the other club descriptions. It will give you a general idea of how to describe your club.
I want to create a club but I don't know how!
Ok, Click the link
You should see a button saying, "Create a Club". You shouldn't even have to scroll down. It's right there on a bluish bar where "Yahoo! Clubs" title is. Just follow their instructions and you should have a club running in no time. But it does take awhile for your club to appear in the listing. Approximately 1 to 2 days usually.