Fantasy Gathering When you enter, You are in a forest. You see a tavern nearby... and a clearing near the skirts of the forest to your far left, where many people seem to meet at...
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The Clearing (182 Messages)
You approach the vast clearing, Spotting a variety of beings of different species. This is the gathering area.
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Dark Enchanted Forest (106 Messages)
A dark mystical forest that awaits those whom enter...
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Castle Krepta (179 Messages)
Large castle surrounded by many forests and meadows, vast and eloquent.
note: This is a LOCKED realm owned by Merloch... No one can enter this area unless you have permission from realm owner. Thank you.
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The Moonlit Castle (3 Messages)
A Castle of gold with Skylights throughout to capture the rising "moons" In Front of an Ocean of blue surrounded by a Marshy swampland and Enchanted Forest.
Note: You must enter the gates from the Beach and cannot enter the castle unless DarkMistress or the new appointed, Chatalaine Sotana, is there to let you in. More information inside.
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The Realm of Eidolon (258 Messages)
This realm was created by Corbin Ramsay, and is in fact a figment of his imagination. All that happens here is imaginary, yet due to the unique nature of Corbin's magic, all is as real as an individual believes it to be. Thus, when leaving, if a person no longer believes, it is as if it never happened. Yet, if the individual believes, it remains reality. Such is the magic of Eidolon. All who enter here, however, are subject to Corbin's imagination while he is present, or until that person leaves. Eldorin also wields considerable power, both breaking and maintaining the peace. Welcome one and all.
To learn more, visit the Realm page at:
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Vast Night Kingdom (6 Messages)
This Realm is owned by Emperor Draegon. It is a locked realm that no one can enter unless they have his permission. The Vast Night Kingdom is a large kingdom that has lots of women, and is very well guarded.
For More Information: https://members.tripod.com/VastNightKingdom/
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Rael's Hollow (129 Messages)
Rael's Hollow is on a low mountainside, very woodsy, with white birch trees all around. A large stream winds down past the three houses that have been built there. Rael's Hollow is a halfway point between the Realm of Belamy, and the magical Realm of Fantasy. Summers are warm and breezy, fall shows the ground littered with thousands of red, golden and brown leaves, and winter offers sporadic snowfall. It is open to all but Rael's Hollow is not well-known. So if you enter, You should have a reason of how you know it is there.
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Belamy is a realm in which one has either magic, but no psychic powers, or psychic powers but no magic, or - like the majority of the inhabitants - no powers or magic of any kind. Belamy has no technology of any kind, to the extent that they wouldn't understand what a wire is, or electricity save for the power found in lightning. Guns have not be invented. And there is plumbing, meaning indoor toilets.
The landscape is varied, as Belamy is an entire realm. It can be reached only the magical pathway established by Kyoya Isayo for Cordell, leading from Fantasy, through Rael's Hollow, and into the kingdom of Barthom. Castle Krepta can be found in Barthom, but Barthom is by no means the only kingdom in Belamy.
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Toathian Realm
No one can enter this realm
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This realm belongs to Strahan. Currently, This is a closed realm. You must get permission before you can enter.
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Sythian Forrest (73 Messages)
Description coming soon, Open to all.
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