Fantasy Gathering
Castle Krepta
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Large castle surrounded by many forests and meadows, vast and eloquent.
note: This is a LOCKED realm owned by Merloch... No one can enter this area unless you have permission from realm owner. Thank you.
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::A castle looms in the distance::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::A large castle looms in the distance, guards are seen around the front areas...as they approach::
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::they stare at it::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::Jherome whispers to his mom:: That castle is so tiny!
::Jylasia hushes Jherome quietly and looks at Merloch, while they approach::
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::watching the castle::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
You can't hush what was already said Jylasia...::watching ahead..not looking at them::
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::Jylasia looks at Merloch::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
I'm sorry, Father. Jherome is not usually rude. Apologize to your Grandfather, Jherome...
<p>::Jherome looks down saying quietly:: sorry Grampa...
<p>::Jauxzer grins:: dat's one fine house!
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::chuckles softly, hesitantly::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
It's alright...
::swirls fingers together in thought, thinking::
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::Jylasia remains patient::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::Jherome looks around and is getting bored:: Are we there yet? Are there kids there? Can I play?
::Jauxzer begins guffawing::
::Jylasia makes a soft grin:: They are just like two little boys, Father. Don't mind them. ::she is forced into light giggling by Jauxzer's laughing::
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::nods slightly::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::looks at Jauxzer:: ::Telepathicly:: Jauxzer, how much did you tell Jylasia?
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::Jauczer shakes his head at Merloch::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::muttering softly underbreath:: Only about you.
::Jherome looks at Grampa:: Does Old Man Blue live here?! ::Jylasia looks sharply at Jherome:: I told you to not call that nice man that name!
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::coughs abit::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
Jherome..answering your questions..no, he doesnt, and yes, there are kids that live here.....;:decides to leave it at that, leave the explaining for later::
::Telepathicly:: Jauxzer..this is going to be a long night..
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::Jauxzer mutters:: don't ah know it!
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::Jylasia looks to Jauxzer:: And just what are you muttering about?
::Jauxzer makes a grin and kisses her:: Just thinking ou'loud mah lemmiepie!
::Jylasia blushes:: Jau... not in front of people...
::Jherome asks:: Well where is Old Man Blue?!
::Jylasia says tiredly:: Honey, what did I just say?
::Jherome says quietly:: Sorry mom...
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::something odd...::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::Merloch doesn't respond..he looks strange, his eyes are dialated and staring straight ahead, but not at anything::
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::Jylasia stares worriedly::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
Father? Father?... ::She looks at Jauxzer worriedly::
::Jauxzer rides up ahead to Merloch:: You dere? Merloch?
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::No response::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::he just keeps staring ahead..straight forwardly::
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::Jauxzer stares at the soldiers that came to meet them::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
Do some'ing ya fools! Some'ing be wrong!
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::The guards look at Merloch, then the group::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::they shrug:: He's done it before. Nothing's wrong.
:they open the gates to allow entrance into the castle proper::
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::Jauxzer begins riding in::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::Jylasia hesitates but rides in after Jauxzer and Jherome follows:: Are you going to guide him in?
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::they make room::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::Merloch's horse continues on, following the rest, as merloch still seems dazed::
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::Jylasia rides up to Jauxzer::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::and whispers:: I don't think I like these changes...
::they continue riding::
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::Merloch coughs::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::he shakes his head and sighs:: I think, Jherome, that ::thinks which name is used:: Gem shall be arriving soon....::rides up beside the rest as they are lead to a place to dismount, patrons smiling politely as they pass:
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::JYlasia rolls her eyes softly as Merloch comes out of his daze::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::she looks at him:: Father, care telling me what that was about?
::Jherome makes an "eek" sound:: Old Man Blue is outside?!
::Jylasia sighs, giving up::
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::shakes his head slightly::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
Just telling a messenger something.. I went into a telepathy trasmition...
::looks at Jherome and whispers::
Let he who shriek and he who eek
Let he who speak the names beseek
Let him wish and Let him beg
That the itching stopped upon his leg.
::Jherome begins to feel his leg itch::
::grins sweetly, riding along::
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From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::Jherome begins scratching his leg:: Not funny!
::Jylasia begins giggling::
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
I think it's quite funny. Maybe you'll listen to your mother now.
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::Guards let them in::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::The THree riders, led by the messenger enter through the gate::
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*rides in*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
*following the figure wondering why he is asked to come.. even Zephy, stares at her*
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::Jylasia just continues with a soft grin::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::Jherome says harshly:: hmpf!
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::you see Merloch and his group ahead::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::Merloch dismounts his horse, walking into the courtyard as Gem and Zep are able to see the group..the messenger seems to fade from sight::
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*rides in following behind Gem,
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999
gazing around curiously*
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*lets the horse follow up to where Merloch and his group is*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
Hi.. someone sent us here.. How are you?
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::Merloch grins slightly, looking from Jylasia, to Jherome, then to Jauxzer::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::Looks at Gem:: I sent for you.. Hello, Gem..
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*trots her horse up to Gem and the others, slowing to a stop
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999
wondering why she is here*
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From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
*smiles* I see... *looks at the other two people never having seen them before*
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::eyes flicker::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
and I asked you to come, Zeppy, because I still have to sort some things out..
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::Jherome whispers::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
Mom! That guy has the same eye things like Old Man Blue!
::Jylasia tries to hush Jherome, blushing since he is being rude to guests::
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*looks at the group,
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999
not really knowing anyone other than Merloch, who doesn't seem to be himself lately*
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Things to sort out? *looks down at him, not
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999
yet dismounting from the horse*
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::coughs abit::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
Pardon myself, I think I need to introduce some people.
::guesturing:: Zephyr, this is my son in law, Jauxzer, my daughter Jylasia, and my grandson, Jherome.
Jherome, this is my..uhm..sister, in a way, Zephyr. and That, is Young Man BLue..Who Old Man Blue, used to be, in a way.
::rubs his head:: I think, anyway..
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::nods dismissively::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
And yes, Zeppy, things to make clear in my head.
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::Jherome says with wide eyes:: wooow...
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
Is he still a dragonslayer?!
::Jylasia just gives up, blushing at Jherome's abrupt behavior::
::Jylasia and Jauxzer nods to Zephyr and Gem::
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*raises brow*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
Young man blue? Old man blue? what?... *stares at Merloch, but looks at Jherome and Jylasia* Hello...
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*furrows her brows in thought, looking at the others*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999
How.. is this possible?
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::looks at Jherome::
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
I was never a dragonslayer... I am a former dragonhealer, though...
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*nods politely having forgotten her manners with
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999
the sudden shock of meeting people who have to her knowledge never existed before*
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::Jauxzer blushes at Zephyr's question::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
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*blinks* Dragonslayer? Gem?
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999
*scoffs softly in dissmisal*
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
This, folks, is what we call a Paradox. Someone plays with the timeline, and we get this. ::chuckles::
::looks at Gem and then Jherome:: No, Jherome. This Gem, happens to love all dragons.. I think....::furrows brows::
::looks at Zep:: You ever try to kill..oh nevermind..
Follow me, Follow me!
::leads the way into a warm castle proper, where many servants are bustling about anda young child bearing similarities to what Zeph and Gem recognize as Merloch, and what Jylasia, Jherome and Jauxzer notice as the Merloch they saw before, running about. The child is about 7-10 years of age::
::Note: Merloch currently looks old, like an old human:
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Kill? me? you have got to be kidding....
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999
*frowns and dismounts from the horse to follow the others, muttering softly to herself, not really paying attention to that which is around her*
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*follows merloch*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
*asking no questions, just makes occassional glances at Zephy and the new people*
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::looks around::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::Jylasia is whispering to Jauxzer, in shock about Gem and the whole situation:: He was just a lonely old man in the west hall a couple minutes ago! ::Jauxzer just grins at her comment and follows Merloch::
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::walks into the great room::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::sits down upon a sofa, watching the others:: Relax.. I know many have questions.. Ask.. ::wonders why Gem has questions, when he explained this to me..*shakes head*
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*looks up at Merloch*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999
What did you mean about me killing someone? *doesn't sit, just yet*
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
Did you ever try to kill Gem?
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*follows Zephy's example and stands*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
*really confused at Merloch* I only have one tiny question...
What the *bleep* be going on here? Who the hell are those two that just suddenly became your family out of the blue?
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::Jauxzer stands angrily::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
Dun be dissing mah fam'ly!
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You mean like seriously kill Gem? no, I've never
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999
tried to do that. *frowns slightly* why?
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
In anger
In rage
He'll sit still
Or grow of old age.
::Jauxzer finds himself sitting down again::
Calm yourself, Jauxzer..
::looks up:: It's a very..very..long story..
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::mutters at Merloch::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::grumbles, but knowing that merloch is doing it for his own good::
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::eyes dialate::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::Telepathicly:: Jauxzer..you said you removed dying from their memories, aswell as Jylasia's sleeping with..well, yiou know..how far back on that memory did tyou erase?
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*looks at Zephy*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
*finds a seat and sits down slowly, looking around at nothing in particular waiting for something to be said*
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From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::mutters:: two days before dying.
::Jylasia looks at Jauxzer:: Thinking outloud again?
::Jauxzer grins:: Yes mah lemmiepie. ::he snuggles against her, she begins giggling::
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::eyes stay the same::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::Telepathicly:: Nod your head, yes or no..do Jherome and Jylasia know about your ability to erase people from time?
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::looks at Jherome::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
Shadow Traveller...What are you doing?
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::Jauxzer nods "yes"::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::Jherome looks at Grampa:: my legs won't stop itching...
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:chuckles sheepishly:: oops..
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::waves hand::
That which is done,
May the curse begone
With the lowering of the sun.
::Jherome notices the itching gone, cus it's dusk::
Who wants an explanation?
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*shakes her head slightly and sits down in a chair next to Gem*
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999
*watches quietly*
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From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
I would like one.
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::Jauxzer nods::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
That be best.
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
Someone wants one, so I can finally get half of these memories straightened out.
::Guarded Telepathy to Jauxzer:: Let's hope they buy this..
Well, who remember's what Kelnor's people are known to do?
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::Jherome raises his hand excitedly::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
oo! oo! they murder and cheat people out of stuff!
::Jauxzer looks at Jherome:: Not an'more lil man.
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*looks at Merloch*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
Don't tell me.. TimeTravellers.. I know, I even got a ruby from you... But that doesn't explain this. I want the exact situation.
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::draws his fingers through his long white beard::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
Hmm..well Gem..here's the situation..
Someone, meddling with time, erased my wife Camellia from the time stream. When that happened...No one ever knew she existed, also..
::looks at Jylasia and Jherome:: You two, vanished.
And hence, the lifelines went astray from what they were. I had an entirely different life, from the one..::Lookjs at Zep and Gem:: You two know..
I lived a life that, ::guestures:: Jylasia and Jherome knew of.
Well, my life was different, so was yours.. ::looks at Gem:: Which is why Jherome has the habit of calling Old Man Blue...
And, dear Zephyr, that, is where these 'two' came from... They always existed.. we just didnt know it.
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From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
My next question is.. why are you looking like that? Any significance?
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::Jauxzer and Jylasia are busy playing with each other::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
Uh, May ah be excused with mah wife? Ya see, ah haven't been getting mah needs satisfied. ::Jylasia giggles, blushing::
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
In the other lifeline, the one with Jherome and Jylasia..You didn't accept Fomhoire's offer. You were a simple human, whom grew old. And I made myself look like this, to help your ego. I changed to this way, now, because it helps Jherome and Jylasia familiarize.. I think? ::looks at the two::
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::Gives Jauxzer a warning glance:: Go ahead.. ::smirks::
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*nods listening to Merloch*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
What about this dragonslayer thing they keep mentioning?
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
It seems, in the other liifeline..You followed your father's footsteps.
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Ah ain't stupid.
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
Remove tha spell ya have on me.
::Jylasia quickly stands and begins walking to the hall:: Where are the bedrooms?
::Jherome is just bored, laying on his back on a couch somewhere::
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::mutters something::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
Lift and live to a merry kiv..
::sits back, thinking he's trying to figure out things::
Third floor, Jylasia.
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From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
*leans back on couch* I still talked to my father and all? amazing... Old Man Blue eh? I don't think I would have enjoyed this other lifetime.
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::grins as he stands and rushes to his wife::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::Jylasia laughs giddly and runs to the stairs, in a few moments, they are gone from sight, upstairs doing god knows what::
::Jherome makes a loud sigh as he rolls over on the couch::
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::Something grabs Jherome's hand, yanking him up quickly::
::a boyish giggle is heard::
::stands:: Saeden, quit picking.
::a young boy with blue hair and bright blue eyes forms visible and sighs playfully before darting off::
::looks around:: I have to rest..room's have been p[repared for you all...::looks at Jherome:: Even you, Shadow Traveller.
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
With the setting sun,
Let the sleep cover across
So that he wakes none,
May the traveller doze,
Cus Mery says sos!
::Jherome falls asleep and disappears to his own room::
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::Jherome wonders who that was::
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
::walks to Grampa:: but I'm not tired!
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(oops.. scratch last message)
From: Jauxzer
Date: May 22 1999
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*looks at Zephy*
From: BlueGreenGem
Date: May 22 1999
Well, I don't know about you but I'm tired, and there's a room somewhere with my name on it. *Begins walking upstairs, to the room that was prepared for him and flops onto bed.. falling asleep*
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
Goodnight, Sweet Zephyr...Sleep Sweet, and Till Morning..
::wanders up the stairas to the third floor, into his own room and passes out::
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*stays seated a moment,
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999
gathering her thoughts and questions, wondering if she really wants to know about her "other" lifetime*
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*eventually wanders up to her room,
From: Zephyr_Xternal
Date: May 22 1999
and goes to sleep, on the bed*
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::slowly awakes::
From: Jherome
Date: May 22 1999
::not remembering how he got here, stands and leaves the room, beginning to explore this place::
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::Jherome passes many patrons::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
:and finds the stairs to the other floors::
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::wonders what trouble he can do::
From: Jherome
Date: May 22 1999
::sees a person, and begins to play tricks::
::manipulates a shadow so that it begins to crawl up the patron's leg... eventually enveloping him::
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::The person screams outloud, Jherome feels eyes watching him::
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::looks around::
From: Jherome
Date: May 22 1999
::distracts them::
Calling forth,
demons of the shadow.
Trickery and pranks,
are all they know!
::suddenly ugly demons come lashing out of the shadows, at all those who are staring at Jherome, Jherome makes a clean slink away and hides in a room::
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::They return::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::Jherome feels the eyes watching him again..from above him::
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::gets uncomfortable::
From: Jherome
Date: May 22 1999
Those who watch,
Those who hide.
Drop their illusion,
my eyes no longer defied.
::The spell causes all illusions, phasings, invisibility, etc.. anything that fools the human's eye , to drop::
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::nothing new seen..still the same feeling::
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::notices no change::
From: Jherome
Date: May 22 1999
::glances at the walls, trying to see if there are ripples in the air.. slowly looks up::
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::big set::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::a big set of faded blue eyes watching Jherome, as if by a magical glass or sorts::
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::eyes widen::
From: Jherome
Date: May 22 1999
::suddenly high-tails it out of the room, running down the hall::
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
::Jherome runs right into Merloch, who is standing there, watchign him::
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From: Jherome
Date: May 22 1999
::tumbles back, onto his butt:: ow! oh, hi Grampa...
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::Taps foot::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
Causing mischief, Jherome?
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From: Jherome
Date: May 22 1999
105 of 179
::raises a brow::
From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
I don't like liars, Jherome Myst.
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::lowers head::
From: Jherome
Date: May 22 1999
::quietly:: sorry Grampa.
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From: merloch
Date: May 22 1999
So...::kneels down, watching Jherome:: Tell me what you've been thinking?
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::stares up at his Grampa::
From: Jherome
Date: May 22 1999
::tilts head:: What do you mean what am I thinking about?
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::shakes head::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
You've seeemed quiet.. is anything bothering you?
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::glances back::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::remembering what he saw in that room, but looks at Grampa:: nothing is bothering me, Grampa.
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::faded blue eyes sparkle::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
If you say so..
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From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::continues looking back at the room that he ran out of::
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From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
Did you see something in that room, Jherome?
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::shakes his head::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
No Grampa.
Those who tease,
force the trickery
upon themselves
just to entertain me.
::Merloch begins to feel eyes watching him, lots of eyes.. as if he was in the middle of a large stadium. making him quite uneasy::
::Jherome giggles::
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::fidgets abit, watching Jherome::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
Nice one....
Quick be tongue
Quick be wit
Quick be Jherome,
Forced to knit!
::Jherome finds himself sitting cross legged, with balls of yarn around himself, knitting::
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From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::tosses the knit stuff aside and shouts::
Let's backfire
a spell!
Use the strings
and use it well!
::the yarn begin to shoot at Merloch, wrapping around him, tighter and tighter, knots appearing all around the yarn, keeping Merloch tied::
Beat that, Grampa!
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From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
Your wish, is my command.
A toy
A tool
Made of wool..
I call now
come alive
to make them say wow.
Under my commmand
Under my spell
Come alive, come alive now.
::the ends of the yarn fray, and jump, untying themselves as they stand up llike soldiers infront of merloch, after finally unravelling::
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Bad move Grampa.
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
Those Toys,
made of wools.
Set them on fire,
into useless tools!
::the soldiers begins to erupt into fire, strangely turning them into ash very quickly::
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From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
I want you to meet a friend of mine, Jherome.
Puck be he
and Puck be quick
From Avalonis to here,
From sea to shining ship
THe mirrors realm
THe ancient magics
Come now with the help of tangists.
::wind is heard howling::
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::glances around::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
what's that noise?
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From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::a loud thunderclap sounds, then a 4'2" figure, brightly dressed, with big pointed ears, and a cheerful playful face, drops from the ceiling, calling:: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrre's Puck!
::Merloch just grins::
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::Jherome laughs::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::Jherome standing 4'6":: What's that small man going to do?
Puck he is,
His luck be no hot,
Turn him into
something he's not!
::Puck begins to distort into a rabbit::
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::Puck looks at Jherome really really oddly::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::Puck stabalizes his form, then shifts back into hsi natural elfish like form::
Puck I be,
Not be he,
Member of the third race to see!
Under the ways
Of Oberon and his says
I come here wistfully todays!
::Puck dances around Jherome, singing::
Ladies and Lords
Jumps and Hordes
Frogs and cats
Turn'em into a bat!
::Jherome begins changing into a nocturnal bat::
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::Jherome begins screaming::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::but his screams become a high bat shriek as he hobbles around on the floor::
::flaps a bit to Puck's ankle and bites him, his fangs sinking in deep::
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From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::Puck yelps:: Ow, you little!
::Puck yanks Jherome up, holding him by his legs, staring at him::
Puck I be
Quick to see!
::he grins::
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::makes a quick snapping motion to Puck::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::he suddenly purges Puck's spell, becoming normal, falling on Puck::
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From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::Puck groans:::
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::Jherome grins::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
Puck be one
with the floor,
pull him in
till he is never more!
::Puck begins to slowly turn to wood, slowly sinking into the floor, becoming one with the floor::
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::it finishes::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::Puck becomes one with the floor::
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::grins proudly::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
Take that Grampa!
131 of 179
::merloch grins::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::Suddenly a hand, made of animated/liquidized wood reaches up from the floor, grasping Jherome's ankle::
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From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::stumbles back, onto his butt::
::begins kicking at the hand::
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::echoing laughter::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::from the floor, forms Puck again, shaking his head in a disapproving fashion::
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::stares at puck::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
What are you shaking your head at? you aren't the one training me... go away.
::looks down::
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Very well.
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::Puck swirls and whispers::
Ancient Avalonis, Hear my plea..
Come and call forth..
Request your family.
::puck swirls in a cold mist and vanishes::
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::begins shouting::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
I win! I win! I sent your little guardian away, Grampa!
::runs to Grampa and kicks him in the shin::
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Guardian, eh?
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
OW! You little runt!
Speak you wish
And Do your will
Now for times great shrill
Bonded by blood
By relations great
Interwoved, 8 times 8.
::Jherome feels pain,as if someone just kicked him in the shin::
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From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::grabbing his shin:: OUCH!
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::grins satisfied::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
Serves ya right, it does!
140 of 179
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
reverse the pain,
double it twice,
if it doesn't work,
then use mice.
::Merloch feels a pain in his shin, but even worse.. as if it cracked::
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From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::face contorts, yet Jherome feels the same pain::
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::leans back holding his shin::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::eyes glazing from the wave of pain, says softly:: egads...
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Nature's Twin
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::said matter of factly::
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::attempts to purge Merloch's spell from him::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
Those who cast
something on me,
Make it fail
into destiny.
::all castings fail::
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::grins suddenly::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::lunges, grabbing a hair from Jherome and vanishing::
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From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
Hey! ::looks around, knowing he is in trouble since his Grampa has something from him::
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From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::Forms in the library, and walks to a picture of Jherome, which he made, laying the hair on the picture and pulls out a white ribbon, whispering::
((Yeah, I know im cheap here...))
I bind you Jherome
From doing harm to others and yourself
I bind you Jherome
From doing harm to others and yourself.
::ties the white ribbon around the picture and hair, as Jherome feels tingles go through his body::
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::looks down::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::wondering what's going on::
::shouts:: Grampa? What did you just do?
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::Merloch's voice seeming to echo from the very walls::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
150 of 179
Whatever! ::he shouts::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::begins walking back to the room he ran out of earlier, and peeks in.. wondering whatever it was, is still in there or not::
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From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::nothing there...::
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::tosses up a couple feathers::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::they sticking to the ceilings:: That should terrorize whatever that was there. ::turns and begins walking down the hall::
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::people glance at Jherome oddly as he passes::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::Jherome notices himself now wearing a pink tutu::
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::brushes the tutu::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::as if he was smearing it, tutu becoming paint splattering to the floor as he continues walking, as if nothing happened. glances to one of the rooms and walks in::
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::Jherome enters the guard's barracks::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::Many guards wanderingh around..some half naked in stages of dress::
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::suddenly lots of chirping is heard::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::no guards around for a strange reason, Jherome still looking in the room::
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::Jherome feels more tingles..::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::Strange...erie sensations::
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::crawls to a corner::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::behind a big furniture and hides::
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::Someone's watching::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::you feel and hear someone watching you::
160 of 179
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
Who's there?... come out where ever you are...
161 of 179
::familiar voice::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
One shouldn't hide in places they can be trapped, young one....
162 of 179
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
Who are you? What do you want?
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::faded blue eyes form beside Jherome..slowly::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
164 of 179
::quickly backs into the corner::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
Who are you?! Say your name before I... I.. Before I do something horrible to you!
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Tsk Tsk Tsk
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
You can't hurt me..
166 of 179
::stares quietly at the eyes::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
.... ::quietly:: what do you want?
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From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
And nothing.
::eyes glitter::
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::stares quietly::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::doesn't know what to say, remains quiet, staring at the eyes, not knowing how to react::
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From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
When you figure out whoo I am. All will be explained.
::eyes fade away::
170 of 179
::begins guessing::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
::thinking it's still around:: Grampa? Puck? that half-naked guard?
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::nothing happens::
From: merloch
Date: May 23 1999
::because he doesnt truely know::
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::looks around::
From: Jherome
Date: May 23 1999
let's do a
body scan,
find out
whatever I can.
::begins to see, and able to think whatever the creature is seeing and thinking::
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::Jherome sees a stone wall,..::
From: merloch
Date: May 29 1999
::and hears the thoughts.. "I wonder.." ::
::Then Jherome is suddenly blocked out, the vision gone and the thoughts gone::
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From: Jherome
Date: May 29 1999
damn. ::gets up and walks out of the room:: Grampa?! ::shouts:: GRAMPA!
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::Jherome's voice echos::
From: merloch
Date: May 29 1999
::he finds himself wanting to go outside::
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From: Jherome
Date: May 29 1999
I want to go outside Grampa... ::begins walking outside:: Can we go to that forest we were at? Grampa?
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From: merloch
Date: May 29 1999
::spots Merloch out in the courtyard, gazing at the sky::
Sure Jherome..
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From: Jherome
Date: May 29 1999
great! ::grabs Grampa's hand and begins dragging him:: Let's go to that forest again!
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::looks around::
From: Jherome
Date: Sep 8 1999
::frowns because he misses his Grampa::
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